Aesthetic Medicine
Bloom-klinikka on Jessikan visio siitä, miten korkealaatuista kauneudenhoitoa tulisi tarjota. Klinikan hoitohuoneissa on rauhallinen ja turvallinen tunnelma, joka auttaa asiakkaita rentoutumaan jännityksestä. Jessikan intohimo ja ammattitaito ovat tehneet hänestä arvostetun kauneusalan ammattilaisen, joka yhdessä Bloom-tiimin kanssa tarjoaa asiakkailleen parasta mahdollista palvelua.
Bloomin tiimi on sitoutunut tarjoamaan kevyitä, mutta tehokkaita kauneudenhoitomenetelmiä, jotka ovat sekä nykyaikaisia, että laajan kokemusseulan läpikäyneitä. Bloomin tiimi haluaa auttaa asiakkaitaan löytämään heille sopivan kauneudenhoitorutiinin ja korostamaan heidän luonnollista kauneuttaan. Tämä on perustavanlaatuinen osa Bloomin arvopohjaa.
Jessika Kulju
Sertifioitu sairaanhoitaja, kosmetologi, omistaja
I am a fully qualified nurse specializing in certified aesthetic treatments. My job in this capacity is to enhance your beauty, safely and effectively.
I decided to compliment my medical skills by also becoming a qualified beautician by profession. The additional degree earned within the field of beauty, as well as the experience gained over the years working as a make-up artist, have developed a precise aesthetic eye for beauty and beautification, using state of the art techniques and procedures to deliver excellent detailed results. These skills ensure that every procedure is tastefully tailored to enhance and benefit your facial features in a bespoke fashion. The results are natural and effective.
I offer light touch but highly effective methods for complimenting and enhancing your natural attributes. I use the latest state of the art technologies which have proven to be both safe and effective.
- Jessika Kulju -
Jenni-Mari Padinki
Sertifioitu sairaanhoitaja, yrittäjä
I am a fully qualified nurse specializing in certified aesthetic treatments. My job in this capacity is to enhance your beauty, safely and effectively.
I decided to compliment my medical skills by also becoming a qualified beautician by profession. The additional degree earned within the field of beauty, as well as the experience gained over the years working as a make-up artist, have developed a precise aesthetic eye for beauty and beautification, using state of the art techniques and procedures to deliver excellent detailed results. These skills ensure that every procedure is tastefully tailored to enhance and benefit your facial features in a bespoke fashion. The results are natural and effective.
I offer light touch but highly effective methods for complimenting and enhancing your natural attributes. I use the latest state of the art technologies which have proven to be both safe and effective.
- Jessika Kulju -
Ana Pejic
I am a fully qualified nurse specializing in certified aesthetic treatments. My job in this capacity is to enhance your beauty, safely and effectively.
I decided to compliment my medical skills by also becoming a qualified beautician by profession. The additional degree earned within the field of beauty, as well as the experience gained over the years working as a make-up artist, have developed a precise aesthetic eye for beauty and beautification, using state of the art techniques and procedures to deliver excellent detailed results. These skills ensure that every procedure is tastefully tailored to enhance and benefit your facial features in a bespoke fashion. The results are natural and effective.
I offer light touch but highly effective methods for complimenting and enhancing your natural attributes. I use the latest state of the art technologies which have proven to be both safe and effective.
- Jessika Kulju -